

佐丹力粥 2018-03-16 3246 抢沙发
159素食全餐的安全性摘要:  159素食全餐的安全性:  159素食全餐是通过世界权威第三方检测机构-PONY谱尼测验全面的检测,检测成果本产品不含任何防腐剂、无抗氧化剂、无甜味剂、农残未检出,孕妈妈与儿童均...











  159 vegetarian meal safety:

  159 vegetarian meal is by the third party inspection agency -PONY, full spectrum detection test, the detection results of this product does not contain any preservatives, antioxidants, sweeteners, no pesticide residues were not detected, pregnant mothers and children can take.

  159 energy meals suitable for people:

  (1) a vegetarian eats 159 can make calcium, iron, zinc, the inside of the valley, nuts, beans, seed, fruit, grapes and other 159 kinds of cells rich in nutrients needed to balance everything;

  (2) office workers often travel, because the work has no time to take into account their diet, 159 energy meal is not only convenient and simple, but also enhance immunity, enhance physical fitness, are indispensable treasure;

  (3) sub healthy people with low immunity, 159 rich in 159 kinds of pure natural nutrients, can quickly improve the body immunity;

  (4) Bao mother and pregnant mother, pregnant mother and lactating mothers must balance of nutrients or not, are inextricably linked to the growth of children, so it is necessary to compensate for the nutrient, 159 ingredients in walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, rice, oat rice, seaweed and so on to ensure the folic acid and zinc rich Omega 3, and ensure that the content of dietary fiber, postpartum rehabilitation on the growth of children and the pregnant mother is helpful;

  (5) the elderly, pine pollen, which includes 159 ingredients in pine needles, hemp seed, cucumber powder, celery seed, black fungus, sea buckthorn seed is the longevity of the elderly;

  (6) children and adolescents, including 159 nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sesame, linseed in Omega 3 full brain vitality, brain puzzle;

  (7) slimming beauty of women, women want to have internal beauty diet, contains 159 flowers, roses, forget me not, lavender, chrysanthemum and other dozens of fruit ingredients, can clean intestines, improve constipation, eliminate toxins, the necessities of female beauty, improve immunity and endocrine function, meal slimming a good helper.







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